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Conferences and Online Training

National Conferences

2025 Online ACTCP Winter ADA Coordinator Conference

February 3-5, 2025
Registration Open!


This 3-day online only virtual training offers multiple sessions covering different aspects and Titles of the Americans with Disabilities Act.  Earn your Foundation credits including the credits not available as on-demand courses.

ASL Interpreters and Real-Time Captioning (CART) provided for ALL sessionsMembership in the ACTC Program is NOT required to attend this conference.


For New ACTCP Members, or those thinking about joining the ACTC Program, opting to attend the Full Conference provides an opportunity to earn the 12 *Required Foundation credits, the 6 **Required Optional Foundation credits, and 6 of the 22 required Elective Credits. You'll then only need to complete the Pre-Requisite ADA Basics and 16 additional Elective credits to be eligible to take the final online exam (all of which can be completed online for low to no cost)!

Credit Types Available Upon Request:

  • ACTCP (*/ **) credits for members of our ADA Coordinator Training Certification Program (ACTCP). *Required Foundation, **Optional Foundation, and Elective Credits based on your session selections. [Please note that all sessions can count as elective credits if not needed in other categories.]
  • CEUs for other professional licensures. (These are general CEUs and are calculated at 10 class hours = 1 CEU.)
  • AIA LU|HSW (#) The Great Plains ADA Center is pleased to offer accessible design educational courses that include pre-approved American Institute of Architects (AIA) Health, Safety and Welfare (HSW) credits.  One course is available during this training as sessions 1C*/# & 1D*/#.  You must attend both sessions to earn the 3 LU|HSW credits.

Select the Agenda link to view session descriptions and presenters. Select the Fees link to view the different registration options and fees.  Daily and Full Conference Registration options are available.  Once you know when and what you wish to attend, select the Register Now button.

Cancellation Policy & Registration Deadline
All cancellations must be received by January 24th in order to receive a refund minus a 20% processing fee.  No-shows and/or those not requesting a cancellation by January 24th will not receive refunds and are still responsible for payment of invoices.

Registration Deadline is January 24th at 6:00 PM CENTRAL TIME.


Registration and More Information






National ADA Symposium

Registration Now Open!


2025 National ADA Symposium will be in Atlanta, GA, June 15-18


All sessions attended at the National ADA Symposium may be applied as credits toward the ADA Coordinator Training Certification.

The following sessions offered at the ADA Symposium meet the requirements for foundation credits.

  • Self-Evaluation & Transition Plans (3 credits)
  • Role of the ADA Coordinator (3 credits)
  • 2010 Standards for Accessible Design (3 credits)
  • Title I Guidelines (3 credits)
  • Effective Communication (3 credits)
  • Public Rights of Way (3 credits)
  • Reasonable Accommodation (3 credits)
  • Emergency Preparedness (3 credits)

All other sessions at the ADA Symposium may be applied toward elective credits.


Daily rates are available for the online conference.




Web Courses
By The National Network of ADA Centers

ADA National Network’s regional ADA Centers on-site trainings, on-line courses, webinars and audio-conferences on specific ADA related topics may be applied toward the ACT Certification. To reach a ADA National Network Center in your area, call 1-800-949-4232 or visit . 

Please note that the links below will take users to various websites hosted by the individual ADA National Network Centers. The user must register on each site to take these courses. To receive credit for taking these courses the user must upload verification of completion to the Professional Development section of the ACTCP website. 


ADA History and Overview  -- Meets the Pre-Requisite ADA Basics Requirement (free)


Foundations of the ADA --Also meets the pre-requisite requirement. ($5)


ADA Employment Course -- A self-paced course on the employment requirements in Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), including the revisions in the ADA Amendments Act of 2008.(Foundation Credit for Title I Guidelines)


Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act --on-line 9 module tutorial designed to provide the basic principles and core concepts of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA).
(3 Credits, Elective Category This course now has a $5 charge)


Overview of Disability Rights Laws -- An introduction to four major federal disability rights laws: the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Rehabilitation Act, the Fair Housing Act, and the Air Carrier Access Act. At the end of the course you should be able to determine which laws apply to different discriminatory situations. (2 Credits, Elective Category)


Architectural Accessibility Laws -- Overview of the four major federal laws that require accessibility in new construction or alterations: the ADA, the Architectural Barriers Act, the Fair Housing Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.  At the end of the course you should be able to determine which laws apply to different projects. (1.5 Credits, Elective Category)


Self-Evaluations and Transition Plans --  The ADA requires a public entity to review of policies and procedures to make sure that they support equal access. Any architectural changes needed to meet program access are to be to be recorded into a timeline for addressing those needs called an Transition Plan. This course focuses on the obligation for public entities to conduct a self-evaluation and develop a transition plan.(3 Credits, Required Foundation for Self-Evaluation and Transition Plans)


Fair Housing, Section 504, and the ADA-  This course covers the rights of people with disabilities in housing under the Fair Housing Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. The focus is on reasonable accommodations and reasonable modifications. We will address the definition of disability, the differences between accommodations and modifications, documentation of disability that a housing provider may require, undue burden, fundamental alteration and the request process. (2 Credits, Elective Category)


Rocky Mountain ADA Center Web CoursesThe Rocky Mountain ADA Center has introduced several web courses that may be completed for ACTCP elective credit. These courses include, Title I Overview, Title II Overview, Title III Overview, Service Animals and the ADA, Accessible Voting Places, Intro to the 2010 Standards, and Disability Awareness and Etiquette. (2 Credits Each, Elective Category) Please note that these are short overview courses that do not meet the Foundation Requirements even though some of the titles are the same as the Foundation level titles.


Accessibility Online Self-Paced Webinars- The Great Lakes ADA Center now offers self paced webinars approved for ACTCP credit. The following sessions have been approved for 1.5 elective credits each for  Great Lakes ADA Center’s Certificate of Attendance. Due to the verification process, the criteria to earn Continuing Education credit requires that you view the entire webinar in addition to completing the Pre- and Post-Test in one continuous sitting. (1.5 Credits Each, Elective Category,)



Webinar Series By The National Network of ADA Centers

Hosted by the Great Lakes ADA Center, ADA Online Learning consists of monthly webinars and audio conferences presented by top ADA Experts from across the country. Below are links and descriptions of the different series of topics offered through ADA Online Learning.


ADA Audio Conference
The ADA Audio Conference Series provides in-depth information on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Accessible Information Technology and other related topics. This program is designed as a springboard to enhance an individual's existing knowledge base or facilitate continued learning regarding regulations and trends under the ADA.


ADA Legal Webinar Series
This program is designed for individuals who have a working knowledge of the ADA and are familiar with its basic elements. Sessions are intended to support continued learning and focus on the knowledge that has been gained since the implementation of the law in terms of how the federal agencies and the courts are interpreting the law and subsequent regulations.

Accessible Technology Webinar Series
The goal of the series is to increase awareness on technology accessibility for people with disabilities. Electronic information and communications technology have become essential tools in all areas of our lives and working environments today, and are particularly important to people with disabilities by providing equal access to the workplace and social media.


Accessibility Online
A collaborative training program between the ADA National Network (DBTACs) and the US Access Board.The program includes a series of free webinars and audio conferences on different topics of accessibility. Sessions are held on a monthly basis and cover a variety of topics concerning accessibility to the built environment, information and communication technologies, and transportation.


Federal Sources

All ADA related trainings from the U.S. Access Board, the EEOC, the U.S. Dept. of Justice and the Job Accommodation Network will be accepted for either foundation or elective credits.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
EEOC Training Institute


Job Accommodation Network (JAN)
Training Hub



ACTCP Member Exclusive Web Courses

In addition to the web courses offered by the ADA National Network, The ACTCP offers Two additional web courses on our Efront learning platform. These two courses cover the Foundation topics of Role of the ADA Coordinator and Effective Communication. As a member of the ACTCP you have exclusive access to these courses. To access them, first log into your account and then click on the favorites section on your menu. Here you will find a link to Efront learning. Efront is also the site where the ACTCP final exam can be accessed.









Note: ADA National Network’s regional ADA Centers on-site trainings, on-line courses, webinars and audio-conferences on specific ADA related topics may be applied toward the ACT Certification Program.

Training offered by other organizations may also be applied toward the ACT Certification Program. However, applicants must submit information regarding the training to the ACT Certification Program for review before credits are awarded in order to ensure the training meets the criteria established by the ACT Certification Program.


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